Monday, September 16, 2013

Why? Freedom. That's Why.

The Why: Salvation and Freedom

Simon Sinek believes that the question of “why” is built into our DNA.  It is a biological reality.  If you have the time check out his Ted Talk here: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Although my “why” began many years before, in 1999 I confirmed my faith in God and my baptism.  The verse that I “chose” as my confirmation verse was Romans 1:16.  Or should I say it chose me.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”  
- Romans 1:16-17 (Added verse 17 because it is pretty good, too)

Having grown up in the church and the son of two faithful parents, one a Lutheran pastor, I knew the gospel and believed in God.  But for some reason when I was 14 years old this verse called out to me.  Already God had a plan for me and I would and could not be ashamed of it.  The Holy Spirit was calling out to me, just as he had once called Paul, to never be ashamed of the gospel of salvation.  

What does a 14 year old junior high kid know about salvation or freedom?  

I knew a lot about grace… the relentless grace that my parents gave me every time I screwed up and disappointed them.  But freedom?  Salvation?

But sometime in high school, not long after my confirmation, I sat in my bedroom and decided I needed to make my faith my own.  It could no longer be the faith that had been handed down to me.  How was that faith going to shape and lead me?  

Looking back I understand more and more why Martin Luther says in his explanation of the third article of the Apostle’s Creed that, “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him.”

It is not that I could not understand or still now “decide” to accept Jesus Christ.  But why did it happen that way at that time?  There are so many questions like this.  Why did I grow up in the family I did?  Why did I meet the girl of my dreams who loves and supports me completely?  Why did I get such an amazing daughter to love and cherish?  But that is the question at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Why?

Why did Jesus Christ come and die for me? 

In Galatians 5 the apostle Paul, who wrote that verse in Romans that changed my life, wrote this: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Freedom.  Freedom from my sins.  Freedom from my mistakes.  Freedom from my failures.  Freedom from my faults, faithlessness, insecurities, lack of compassion, fear, animosity, lies, apathy, etc.  

(Just had to stop and note that right now my wife and daughter are just sitting together smiling at each other and it makes me smile!)

I was also given freedom so that I could live.  With freedom I know that I can take a step, try something new, go somewhere dangerous, exciting, or challenging and if I fail Jesus Christ is still my Lord and savior.  God still loves me and Jesus still died to make me a child of the Father's.  I have the freedom to know that I can never be a perfect parent, so I will just do my best and trust in the promise that Jesus is the savior and Lord of my daughter, too.

Maybe this is a bit rambling.  Maybe it makes complete sense.  But I want people to know why Jacinda and I are raising money to go to South Africa.  Many people have pointed out that I could be pastor here in the United States closer to family and that many churches need (young) pastors.  But I am not the savior of any person or church.  Jesus is.  And I am not ashamed of that good news.  It frees me to go to a country thousands of miles away and join an incredible organization that seeks to share that freedom and salvation.  And when it comes down to it that is the "why."  I want to share with men, women and children all over the world that Jesus Christ has died to save them from the darkness that exists in this world and has been raised to bring them freedom and life.
I will post again about “why” Blessman Ministries.  But for now I think this is a good start into the “why” of my life. 


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